Katie's little elves...
Trying to maintain balance in a vastly fragile, shaky time, I need to remind myself of the many blessings our family does get to enjoy. One is the sweet news that 17 year old granddaughter Ashley, currently based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is going to be coming to Northwestern in September! Here is part of Greg's email to us:
This season, this month has come with hard stuff the last few years and this year is no exception. I count on God to get each of us through and He always has. I know He will continue to do so. As I sometimes pray so hard that everything would be "normal", I realize "normal" is only a selection on our washing machine. This wisdom was from a nieghbor I ran into tonight at Walgreens coming just at exactly the right time!
As the world turns...that was one of my mom's favorite soap operas. I never got into watching it but I certainly have been able to be part of it. Life continues to bring ever changing "normals" to us and it is okay. My momma didn't raise no wimps!