On my mind...from my heart...
While my days are filled with a million and one things, I still find time to read...magazines, the newspaper, reports for work, emails, blogs and books. I love books. I think part of the reason is because though I did not go to college, I can educate myself. I can find answers or at least a new idea.
Part of my testimony on how I became a believer in Christ involves books. When I was a child, I always knew you could find the answer to anything at the library and I spent lots of time there. When friends of ours years ago started a Bible study with us, I came to realize that the Bible holds the answers to life. And there began my journey as a Christian. I still love the Bible and it still gives me the ultimate counsel.
The wonders of Amazon.com and the ability to buy used books cheap (another favorite thing: Buying cheap.) have allowed me to do research on the lady I will be speaker host for, Peg Neuhauser. Peg is the only female speaker this year at Willow's Leadershp Summit and I will be her escort around town. I was able to purchase three of her books for around $7 (Don't think I will tell her that though. Two were autographed copies!) The other category that actually Amazon notifies me about new books, has been bipolar disorder and mental illness. Now there is an education. And an area that I am finding more and more, people just don't get. Or don't want to get.
So on my mind right now is the mind. How it works, how God created the uniqueness of each of our brains, is "mind" boggling. Current read is Acquainted with the Night A Parent's Quest to Understand Depression and Bipolar Disorder in His Children. I can't wait to finish it for the insights but also to give it to a friend who for years has struggled with raising her son and now to find out bipolar is a big piece of his puzzle. What I clearly know from all my reading is that no one wants mental illness but many suffer from it and many more than that do not believe it is a mental illness that keeps their loved one from being what they "wish" they were. Hard road.
I can count right now 10 people I know who are diagnosed with depression, some taking meds. Each one struggles so much. Society does not really have a place for them; society, us, wants them to "be better", not be sad, get on with life, see things my way, get over it, let me keep talking until you think my way. All so wrong. God made them the way they are. God will see them through. Our badgering will not make a change. To each of my friends suffering, and I mean suffering, from depression or bipolar, I love you. I want to be part of your getting better in whatever way that looks. Let me know how I can help. More important, God loves you and as your Creator, He will see you through.