Saturday, July 09, 2005

Out of the Darkness Overnight Walk

A week from tonight 26 of us from the Laurie's Legacy team will be walking 20 miles, starting and ending at Soldier Field. This little band of family, old friends, new friends and some people I have never met are my heroes. They have been taking training walks, getting donors, following up on latest updates, going way outside of their comfort zones, all for a cause that four months ago, none of us probably would have even considered...suicide prevention.

In this huge life change process I find myself in, I am constantly reminded that there are so many surrounding us with their love and concern and prayers. This fact is one of the reasons I believe that we have not crumbled, that I can get up each morning and tie on a pair of walking shoes and go do a couple of miles before work. Do I think it is a great coincidence that Chicago along Lake Michigan is the site of this years Overnight Walk? No, not a coincidence but another awesome example of God knowing I would need a goal, a healthy outlet to survive Laurie's death. The Overnight has provided that. I have lost twenty pounds and feel strong. I sleep well at night and have the energy to chase after Denver, Maya and Isaish this weekend as Katie and Tommy go to a wedding in St. Louis.

There are still a few in our team who have not reached the $1000 minimum to walk in the Overnight. All except Nicole, who will not be available to walk, need those final extra dollars. All of us would appreciate any extra $$$ to these last four members. Donating online is the only way now to add to the total, which right now is nearing $40000! AFSP does great work in suicide prevention. Their website is linked on the resource page of To contribute to our team, go to and click the "more" symbol under teams. Laurie's Legacy is our team. Thanks, God, for providing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am so fortunate to know such an amazing woman. You are an inspiration to me and so many others.

I have not been on the internet that much so I am new to the whole 'blog thing.' It has been awesome to get a peak into the constant thoughts of my friends and family even when I am not there with them.

I am so proud and supportive of your entire overnight team and will be praying and thinking about you the entire time. I Love you Barb!

July 11, 2005 2:23 PM  

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