Monday, February 13, 2006

February 13th, 2005

I will not wallow but I will remember. Sometime ago someone asked what were some of the highlights of 2005; this person did not know any of the Laurie story. The best highlight was the arrival of little Reece into our family, a glorious little miracle.

But if I have to search through the tumult of 2005, I will always cherish the shining moments spent in a Medieval castle exactly one year ago today. Pete and I wanted to thank our family and friends for the amazing gift of our Kitchen Extreme Makeover and decided on a night at Medieval Times. The cost in dollars was steep, over a thousand dollars, but we now know it was money SO well spent. Who could have known that night was the last some of our family would ever be with Laurie?

We unabashedly screamed at the knights. We ate food with our hands. We had a blast. Big secret: the joisting was fixed, Laurie knew a squire who got us into the "winning" section. How really cool it was when the "winning" knight threw his flower to who else? Laurie! What a sweet, sweet memory. I believe God led us to plan and follow through on this extraordinary night. What a great gift.


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