The Incredibles...
Yes! We went to the Incredibles on Ice, a surprise for Denver, Maya and Isaiah and did we ever love it! Each child got their special super power wrist band when we came in and used it during the show. Our friends, Jamie, Stevie and Barb were with us and Jamie repeated again and again how great it was that "we" saved Mickey and Minnie and helped the Incredibles. All we had to do was use a super power wrist band!
Wish I had a super power wrist band to right some of the messes in the world, the big world and our little world. Now that would be something. Saturday morning I spent with 20 or so little African refugee orphans. Osman Ali and Abdullahi were the two little guys I got hooked up with, two sweet kids from Somalia who are now here in the US with no parents. We made valentines for their friends, practiced writing and had a Valentine's party. I left there wishing I could right their mixed up world. Wish I had super powers...
Just 2 Sundays ago, my husband and 2 kids went to see the Incredibles on Ice at the Allstate Arena, courtesy of my parents. My kids 5 & 2 loved the show also, especially being a part of it with the wristband. So glad that your grandkids could enjoy it too! God Bless!
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