Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Grandchildren, God's Reward...

Today marks the 16th birthday of my beautiful granddaughter, Ashley Boncimino. Her parents threw her an amazing Sweet 16 party that is chronicled on Greg's blog. I talked to her last night on the phone and had to smile at her excitement and maturity. She really doesn't care about getting her driver's license yet; insurance is too pricey. How cute. Brooke, now 14, is hilarious when she tells her mom for her 16th, skip the party, buy me a car. Brookie always reminds me of me.

Hayden and Reece, the dynamic duo of Barrington, are the sweetest two little guys. I am in awe when I see both their smiling little faces and realize God was so gracious to us in bringing these two into our family through the brave choices of their birth moms.

Denver, Maya and Isaiah...Katie and Tommy's three, have been having a tough time understanding why Mommy is not around, as we all are. The ache for them does not let up. We care for them Saturday into Sunday and try to plan fun stuff. This weekend we built a snow igloo and then spent the night at a Holidome to swim, play, just have fun. They were so sweet when we got up Sunday morning and took the news that we were leaving the hotel to go to Promiseland, even though they would have loved to have stayed and played some more. I can not even bear to share some of the things they say. Too sad. Too much of a reminder of 22 years ago when Denny moved out.

And then, my distant granddaughter, Nora, the baby Katie lovingly and bravely brought into the world nine years ago. Katie could have easily chosen abortion without us ever knowing but she did not. She carried her nine months, missed a chunk of high school and chose the family through the Cradle to receive her sacrifice. The Cradle, an amazing adoption agency, guides the birth parents to make the best parenting decision possible for their child. I still believe Katie did that then. And the irony here, Katie and I will be visiting that family in a few weeks and meeting Nora after not seeing her for many, many years. Does God have something in the works here? I believe so.

Raising children has its' rewards and its' heartbreak but I never would have or could have changed a thing. Being a grandparent, the sweet reward.


Blogger Kim said...

You are an awesome mom & grandma! Hang in there. There are a bunch of us praying for you guys. :)

January 24, 2006 10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree! How lucky your grandchildren are to have a grandma like you. What a blessing you are to them and to all of us. Much love!


January 24, 2006 10:17 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

You are amazing, Barb. I am constantly in awe at your strength, perseverence and ability to see joy and happiness in such a difficult time.

January 24, 2006 11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have noticed that Katie's blog site is no longer in existence. Please let us know of her wellbeing. Is she OK and finding the help she needs? I understand that it is a personal family matter but she is in our prayers and I wonder if our prayers are helping her and her family. I have a warm feeling that Jesus is watching over her, Tommy and her children!
All my love to you, Pete and the entire family!

January 24, 2006 1:11 PM  
Blogger Barb K said...

Here is what I wrote to someone else who asked:
"To anonymous of Jan. 24. Katie took her blog down Saturday, and although that makes me sad, I understand it. Several comments left were tough and as she is processing, the judgement calls were too hurtful. On the other hand, the encouragement was so helpful. If you care to, you can always email me at bakpak2@comcast.net and I can forward them to her or you can leave them here on my blog. The positive side is that Katie preserved all of her blogs and the comments in a Word file. She has a huge talent for writing and if some day we ever compile our blogs into a literary history of Laurie's death and aftermath, Katie's words will be a huge part of that. Thanks. Barb"

Your prayers are continually coveted in this difficult time. Your praying can only help. Katie is in counseling and under a doctor's care as well. Thank you so much. Barb

January 24, 2006 3:18 PM  

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