March of the Penguins
With Pete still out of town, caught up on sleep (In a 44 hour perios I slept 3 hours due to my own crazy schedule: airport delivery, PADS serving night, babysitting the sweet grandsons, etc.) and having accomplished most of the chores I had set for myself, I treated myself to a movie.
I have never gone to a movie by myself before, ever. Just standing in the ticket line, I felt like should be looking for Pete to run up after parking the car. Bought my popcorn and found a seat in the fairly crowded $2 theater. Smiled to myself, thinking it strange that the popcorm cost more than the admission!
I chose March of the Penguins because honestly, I doubt if Pete would ever want to go see it. What an amazing story with the most beautiful photography. I found myself mesmerized by the narration of Morgan Freeman describing a year in the life of Empire penguins. These Charlie Chaplin waddling birds make a 70 mile trek to the spot they were born to begin the process of finding a mate. 70 miles! On those short little legs, sometimes flopping on their bellies and sledding a distance. Once they find their intended and the female lays the egg, the really tough part begins. Their egg, their precious chick-to-be, is transferred to the male who holds the egg on the top of his feet and under a feathery flap of penguin skin for four months while the female goes back the same 70 mile route to the sea. Her mission is to eat enough to sustain herself and the chick when she returns to her mate. She makes the trip back (that's now 210 miles!) where the poor male has lost almost half his body weight, standing in a giant huddle of male penguins protecting their eggs. The mates find each other, he introduces their chick to mom and now he leaves to go back to the sea to nourish himself. This process has gone on for hundreds of years. The cold and winds of the South Pole, the natural enemies ready to pounce, lack of food, these beautiful birds stop at nothing to recreate and nurture thier young.
Did I just take this all in as a great National Geographic piece of cinema? No, I thought of being a parent and the willingness to overcome anything to bring a child into the world and protect that child against everything possible. Do I think the old gentleman next to me noticed my tears? No, I think he had tears in his own eyes. We all have our stories...
Barb- What a great mom you are. Just like those penguins, I know you'd march to the ends of the earth to take care of your kids. What a huge heart you have. Thanks for sharing it with me. Love you lots!
Barb, That was so interesting. I want to see it. And you are a great mom. And a great sister. Thanks for guiding me when I was younger. love, Gail waddle waddle
To all us parents, let us keep marching. I love you mom.
your favorite son-in-law.
Barb...what a beautiful testimony to what mothers will do for their children. You have always been an incredible mother. Your family was always your first priority and it is evident in their love for you, the Lord and their own families. You have done a wonderful job and I know you are even a better grandmohter.
I thought I would share something funny with you. We had Jim's 3 boys overnight on Friday. His three year old, Ben, is very chatty and always wants to see what you are doing. I was up early making homemade pancakes from scratch (one of their favorites) and he turned to me and said, " are going to get a baby." Much to my surprise I asked him why he thought that, and his response was, "because your tummy is getting bigger." If that isn't a testimony to joining Weight Watchers I don't know what is. I laughed and marveled at how sweet these little guys are and so gut honest (no pun intended).
Still praying for you.
In His Love,
Eileen G.
Barb, You've got me all charged up to go see the movie! Penguins are some of my favorite animals, right up there with sea horses.
Amazing, I had a conversation with a woman this weekend who believes in evolution. Stories like the penguins' are such clear revelations of God's hand.
We all have our 70 mile walks, but the Lord will provide every need!
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