Sunday, November 05, 2006

You can't prevent what you can't predict...

In the words of tonight's Desperate Housewives.

Went to church, had a great dinner with a lot of the people I love, (Pete's mom and dad's delayed 50th anniversary dinner), but these are the words that stick tonight:

"You can't prevent what you can't predict."

And even more, you can't prevent what you can't prevent. I give up being a control freak. Thanks, God, for being the one in control.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweet Barb, can I give up control freakdom wid u? How 'bout we form a "Recovering Control Freak" support group? We could maybe sell T-Shirts and mugs that say "Giving up control, one day at a time." Start our own line of "Guilt Away" cologne, room deoderizer, bath powder. I wanna be CEO and make all the important decisions. Dang, there I go again...

Love your guts! Come see me. It ain't cold down hereeeeeee!! Hugs and kisses darling friend.

Debbi D.

November 05, 2006 10:46 PM  
Blogger Jackie R. said...

I would loooove to join the Recovery Group too! I have the first part down - admitting I'm a control freak but then I am stuck!

November 06, 2006 6:28 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

Can I join too? I am such a control freak! It makes things difficult.

Loving the first note! =)

November 06, 2006 6:57 AM  
Blogger shelly said...

Love and Hugs.

November 06, 2006 7:19 PM  

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