Sunday, March 20, 2005

Oh, What a Day...

Oh, what a day…

Oh, what a day? Another sweet day in my own sweet world.
Barry at Starbucks. Blonde girl in the gym. Bad call to Brad.
Bud with Jon. Bull shit with Ian. Bitchy towards Jessie.
Best friends with Kelly and Katie. Bridesmaid to Harper.
Bowman’s always calling. Brian leaves the messages.

Boyfriend Scooter is my love, it’s he who deserves some of my time.
Bedroom conversations and love grow in the bubble.

Beware, for you are learning to trust…or not to trust the WORLD.
But what about Jesus, can’t you trust Him? Beats me if I know.
Birthday celebrations break solid friendships. Bob O Bob.
Yarbe always stuck in the middle. Beautiful Hova, I see your heart breaking.

Breaking. Breaking. Aren’t we all just breaking?
Covering reality every single day. My own heart and mind are everywhere now.
Who do I trust? How can I truly trust anyone? ANYONE!
Everyone is a certain way with every person they’re with at the time.
Are we all foolish? Maybe in my heart of all hearts I have a hope within me
for mankind. That we aren’t really as selfish as I think we are.
That people actually care about others. That true love does actually exist. That each of us have a purpose here.

Written by Laurie sometime in late September 2004 in her Great Ideas of Western Civilization for herself.


Blogger Eve said...

I did not understand when I started reading. Thanks for sharing a part of Laurie from this past year...It helps...

March 20, 2005 9:50 PM  

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