Wednesday, November 21, 2007


The tables are set and lots of food prep is done and I am very content to sit for a few minutes and jot a few thoughts.

It is beginning to snow outside. We cannot believe how early Christmas advertising began this year but I am not complaining. Pete has already done two Santa gigs, one at Deer Park and another downtown last Saturday and as always, he looked great. Today, Pete had a misshap while jogging. Pete tends to look down at where he is going as he jogs and today just as he looked up, a low hanging tree branch caught him in the eye. Two doctor's visits today, swollen eye, antibiotic drops and another doctor visit tomorrow at 8:15 AM (Yes, on Thanksgiving morning!) , we are praying for a speedy and complete recovery. Ouch, it reminds me too much of my shingly eye from a few months ago!

This week I received my early Christmas present to me...a paver brick replica dedicated to Laurie. The actual brick will be laid outside Wrigley Field where they will have a locator so "your" brick can be found. It was extravagant but a gesture I wanted. If that's my only gift this year, I'm cool with that.

We are excitedly anticipating a new twist on our Thanksgiving tomorrow. Kristin thought it would be great if we invited a refugee family to join us. Soooooo, tomorrow we will be picking up our family of four, father Dah Bue, mother, Pit Mu, son (7) Say Nay and little Ah Lay (3). This family has been in the US only since September and they are from Burma, which is actually called Myanmar now, though not officially recognized by the US government as Myanmar. If you go back to Greg's blog in January, he visited there and found it a very troubling country. My nieces will be here as well as Katie and her clan. Kristin, of course, too. I am hoping she will be the point person. This will be an adventure, one I hope to get lots of pictures of.

And am I thankful for a church that is constantly innovative, creative yet so powerful? Yes I am. Over 300 people getting baptized on stage last weekend was amazing enough. Last night, it being Tuesday, my day to watch the Michel kidlets, we all went to the one-day early New Community focused on a family approach to Thanksgiving. Ushers handed us construction paper leaves in fall colors with a long twist-tie attached. During the service we were asked to write down things we were blessed by on our leaves. Denver was intent on his leaf, Maya busily listed family names on hers and Isaiah asked how to spell words. Our leaves were attached to a branch in the back of our section and before you know it, branches from all over the auditorium are being brought down to the stage and attached to what was a barren tree trunk. Denver was sure he could see "his" leaf. The result, a tree filled with blessings, our blessings, was just the kind of visual I love. After this the congregation went over to the gym to help fill assembly line style 4000 gift boxes that will be given to elderly folks in our area. Corraling three little kids and then wrapping these gift boxes did prove to be pretty stressy and not quite the serene picture of giving one would like. Point is, we did it, the kids got it, it was good. I am thankful for the blessing of family and friends that fill me up.

I am most thankful for: a God that sent His Son for me. Isn't that extraordinary?


Blogger Camille said...

Blessings to you and your incredible family today, Barb. Near or far, you are all together this Thanksgiving Day with the love of each other~~as well as friends you do not even know!

I wish you peace,

November 22, 2007 8:56 AM  
Blogger Gail said...

I love you Sister dear. You are such the person in my life to look up to. Happy Thanksgivng from Colorado..Love, Gail

November 22, 2007 2:42 PM  
Blogger NicaGirl said...

I hope Pete's eye is better soon! Please keep us posted! And that is so cool that you have a paver brick for Laurie! That *is* a great present!
Wow, I would love to hear how your Thanksgiving was. What a great idea to invite that refugee family into your home to join you. I am sure it reached them in ways you can't even imagine!
Blessings to you!

November 23, 2007 2:18 PM  

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