Thursday, August 04, 2005

Let the gates swing wide...

I am sitting here knowing I want to open the flood gates and gush rivers...rivers of praise, rivers of tears, rivers of relief. I feel so pent up somehow and not sure how to blow off steam.

Since last Friday I have been elated, filled up, humbled, saddened and horrified. I spent some hours in the worst pit of fear not at all unlike the period of time when Laurie was missing. Yet, I look back and I know I masked the horror of what I was feeling to everyone around me. Why didn't I really let it out? Because I am the strong one. Blah, blah, blah. What a jerk! Worse, I was surrounded with people who love me and would have carried the burden with me. I think Greg's post about pretending about how we really are feeling has gotten to me. I am seeing that not revealing innermost fears/feelings is destructive. Guess what? That can kill you. It's what I am seeing revealed in layers about what Laurie was dealing with.

Last Saturday night Dr. Debbie Dunlap flew here from Florida to walk us through some urgently needed soul searching. She had never met us; she only knew us through the blogs. We basically knew her through her insightful comments here and there and then some emails she and I have shared. In my phone call to her, without hesitation, she offered to come here almost immediately. What in the world? And she insisted that due to an unexpected inheritance she had received, this visit was a gift. In the four days she was here, this angel spoke His wisdom into us, held me up, cried with me, guided several of us in pain through some Biblical principles. She reached out to Scott, Mandy, Heidi, Katie, Cheryl, almost all my grandkids, really all of us...From her counseling background and her own life stories but mostly from spiritual truths, she helped me understand more pieces of the Laurie puzzle. And right now I am not ready to put it out there except to say that Laurie had a faith unusually strong for one so young and then when she questioned some of those truths and challenged herself to find answers( normal, really for the average 20 year old) , she took a way wrong turn-wrong place, wrong time and hid the depth of her pain in making those turns until she saw no way back. Does that make sense?

So the roller coaster chugs on. Debbie, thank you. A thousand thank yous would not be enough. A pink blouse will have to do for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barb, truly a trip and experience I'll never forget. You embody what it means to be an inspiration. And you and Pete are the ones deserving of heartfelt gratitude. Thank you for welcoming me.

About that wonderful pink blouse...Mmmm...mmm! I heartily second Mary Poppins' sentiment: "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."

Like you Barb.


August 04, 2005 6:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie sounds like such a wonderful person.

August 04, 2005 7:09 AM  
Blogger Bigger than Me said...

Yeah she is! Thanks Debbie...for the words of wisdom, and that "other word" too!


August 04, 2005 10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Debbie was truly a gift from God for your family and I am so glad I got to meet her and do lunch. But she would not even known who you were except that you and some others decided to put your thoughts and feelings down on a blog for anyone to read. Like I told you before I love you and feel I have a good idea of who you are but I am continually blown away how strangers can get from your writings what a great and wonderful and giving person you really are. My heart goes out to all the family as you plod through your journey of grief and I feel privileged to call you my friend.
See you Saturday. Love, Diane

August 04, 2005 1:49 PM  
Blogger Eve said...

Goodness! For sure pick up the phone and freak out when you need to!!! That's what I call REAL strength! Debbi...quite a blessing...i think when God's working it kind of goes both ways...

August 04, 2005 9:26 PM  
Blogger Jackie R. said...

I vote for opening the floodgates!
I know... a LOT easier said than done...
I often wonder if you feel like you need to be strong since people compliment you on it so much - which in a way sets you up to feel like you have to continue to be that person. Weird huh, how encouragement can be both positive and negative?
I'm sorry you were in that pit of fear - I can't imagine - those days were horrible.
And I think it totally makes sense - it is so normal in a persons emotional & spiritual development to go through questioning and struggling phases as we mature cognitively etc... I guess I wonder & wish that Laurie would have known that was normal and that you have to just stick in there through the "tunnel of chaos" and you will make it through the other side... I know that pain is blinding though...
Love you Barb!

August 04, 2005 10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Diane-you couldn't be more right! Their entire family/closest friends have given a community of complete strangers a profound gift, borne of their sorrow. (The really striking thing is we couldn't possibly know the full far-reaching impact of their openness until heaven.)

Delicious lunch Tues. $50. Eagerly anticipated clown act/magic show-- $400. The strength and joy your friendship gives Barb--priceless.

You're wonderful. Just like Barb said you are. And I had a BLAST hanging with you two. Just like she said I would. A full-fledged joy to meet you Diane.


August 04, 2005 11:08 PM  

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