Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Just because...

A beautiful email sent to me from Laurie's friend Amanda today. Dinner with my old Belmar Lane neighbors tonight. Filling out financial aid forms for Kristin. Encouragement. Sympathy. Nostalgia. Frustration.

I just want to look at pictures of Laurie tonight and I do. We have so many but not enough. Not enough. I want more. I want to see again every second of her life. I want thousands of DVDs, videos, old 8 mm movies. I want to capture all of it and not forget a single moment.

And the pictures posted here. All random. All pretty recent. All beautiful. All smiling. How can it be that she is not here?


Blogger Bigger than Me said...

No answers, Mom. Not one.

I love you. I hate that I can't change this for you.


August 25, 2005 10:50 AM  
Blogger Anna said...

I have been thinking about her SOOO MUCH lately, and these picures put visions in my head of beauty, humbleness, joy...

Thanks for sharing your life so others can remember her often...


August 25, 2005 11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey barb. im missing you and feel so bad it didnt work for us to get together! i pray that you are doing well and maybe we can hook up next time i'm home. love you! randi

August 25, 2005 3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Laurie's pictures. I love the first one, she is smiling but oh those eyes look mischievious! Laurie seemed to say a thousand words with her eyes and smile. Those picture envoke so many memories had with Laurie and also sadness because there are no more memories being made. Those words of that song "Goodbye for now" keep replaying in my mind. I know that you are happy, I know that I will miss you and I know that I love you. The happy part helps me deal with her being gone and someday we will see that smiling face again. Love, Diane

August 25, 2005 3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such beautiful photos of a beautiful girl. Thanks for sharing with us...

August 25, 2005 4:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seldom have I seen a daughter look so much like her beautiful mother. Joyful eyes, smile to light up a room--unforgettable radiance Barb. -D.D.

August 25, 2005 4:57 PM  
Blogger Jackie R. said...

I echo your question... a million times in my mind...
And, as several others have said... they made me cry also... they/she are/is soooo beautiful. Love that Josiah too.
Praying for you all from Colorado! Love you - Jackie

August 26, 2005 9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For whatever reason, I keep returning to Laurie's page and am both saddened and touched at the beatiful life you lost. Your strenght and courage are amazing to me and I pray that you get the answers to the questions that linger. I have never met you or any of Laurie's family, yet I come back to this site frequently and mourn the loss of a precious daughter, sister and friend. May God wrap His arms around you and hold you tight and may the memories you cherish sustain you all.

August 29, 2005 10:12 AM  
Blogger Barb K said...

Dear Anonymous, Thank you so much. Barb

August 30, 2005 8:00 AM  

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