Wednesday, April 04, 2007

About last night...

Last night I was given a wonderful opportunity to speak at a Campus Life group of about 40 high schoolers. Weekly these kids get together for fun, some food and some serious discussion. Several of them the week before had spent their Spring break going down to rebuild homes in the New Orleans area.

They are led by Nick M., a great guy and friend, once Kristin's boyfriend. In fact, they were an item when Laurie died. I hope this is okay to write, but Nick showed me the text message he still has in his phone from Kristin from March 3, 2005. It read, "She's still missing."

It was easy to understand Nick's passion for this group. They were insightful, respectful and a delight to be with. I was scheduled for the final part of the evening to tell our/my story. Earlier I got to hang out for the announcements, visit a bit with the mom whose really beautiful home all these teens take over and really a highlight, got to sit in with one of the small groups, a mixed group of guys and girls. The questions for small group were direct. "Have you ever known anyone who has committed suicide or who has talked about doing it?" ; "Have you ever thought about killing yourself and if so, what kept you from doing it?" ; "What would you do if a friend told you they felt suicidal?" Wow, no turning away from the hard questions. And what was so awesome is each of the kids in our group shared, shared some really hard stuff. I was moved by their openness and courage.

For my portion of the evening, I had brought one of the picture boards from the funeral, one that had a good cross section of Laurie photos from many different ages and with combinations of friends and family. That was sort of the backdrop and in about 15 minutes or so, I gave a family history, a feel for who Laurie was and what happened March 2nd through March 5th. The kids never uttered a peep during the whole time. The conclusion, the nugget, the take-away was "Suicide is NEVER the answer. Getting help IS the answer." I had little sheets made up with several suicide prevention websites, Laurie's website address, this blog address and then my email address and cell phone number. The hope is that if someone there last night was struggling, they now have some places to turn to and begin to get help. I was thanked many times but the reality was I thank each of them for their willingness to tackle a hard, hard subject, a killer.


Blogger Jackie R. said...

Barb - that is SO awesome. Thanks for sharing about that experience. I can only imagine how powerful it was and how it likely gave a real, concrete lifeline to anyone now or later considering suicide. You rock Barb.

April 05, 2007 3:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anybody who is able to interact with you is so blessed. You have so much to teach and share with others. Thank you for doing it.

April 05, 2007 11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Openness, courage, and a willingness to tackle hard, hard subjects--hmmm, that reminds me of someone. Barb, you are simply amazing.

April 06, 2007 12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you were able to do that Barb. Thank you for being brave enough to tackle a killer subject with those teenagers. I've no doubt that they were touched by your story and have resources to turn to when they or their friends contemplate suicide.
Loving you,

April 06, 2007 12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barb, I am reminded again of how God uses a very difficult situation in your life to impact the lives of so many others. You have faced the challenge and been faithful to continue to serve and minister to others. Only God knows whose life might be saved because of your courage and commitment. Thank you for never giving up hope and pressing forward. Young people need to hear and understand that no matter what happens in their lives there is always hope and help. You have given them a place to turn to. God bless you.

Have a Blessed Easter and my love to you and Pete.

In HIs Love,

Eileen G.

April 06, 2007 1:04 PM  

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